Thursday, April 10, 2008

Olsen Hudgens Long Lost Mother


Am I the only one who watched Idol Gives Back? I mean, it was just brilliant. And I think I figured out who the missing link is between the Olsen twins and Van Hudgens - it's freakin' Fergie. Homegirl has got to be pushin' 60 but she really overdid it last night to show off just how limber like a cat she is. She's got the voice of Celine (or so she would like you to think) and the moves of Mary Lou Retten - did you see those one handed cartwheels? She sang "Barracuda" with Heart and at one point I could tell that Ann Wilson was ready to smother her with her black crushed velvet cape. And I think ol' Nance was confused as to why the Ferg was touching her so much while she was trying to shred. I couldn't tell if i hated Fergie or if I kind of love her. I think it's a bit of both. Isn't she old, though? Right? I'm so confused.

Duck Billed Starlet-pus

Is there a long lost Olsen Twin (triplet, if you will) that we are not aware of? There is a one in a million chance that the Olsen's mom got knocked up with them and then got preggers with Marc Anthony's child and gave birth to 3 babies at once. I looked it up on Web MD - this is rare, but possible. And I'm pretty sure Vanessa Hudgens was that baby.


